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Key Features


Our AI scans 216 data points to find the best match between creators and brands for social media campaigns.

Seamless delivery

Briefing information goes from brand to creator immediately so they can get right to work. No endless back-and-forth.

Real time analytics

Our simple, user-friendly dashboard shows you live impressions, clicks and even custom conversions.

Secure, easy payments

Deals are worry-free for everyone – we hold funds and securely deliver them to creators upon completion.

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How it works

Influencer marketing can be a complex world to navigate. Influencify removes the challenges of discovery, negotiation, and payment by setting prices based on analytics and budgets, and automatically delivering briefs.

Run campaigns starting from $100, sit back, and watch creators work their magic.


Build your campaign

Use our campaign builder to set your audience, goals, and budget, and launch your campaign in minutes


AI selects best influencers

Our AI uses 216 data points to select the best influencers for your campaign and starts the work with them.


Real-time analytics

From launch, see exactly how your campaigns are performing with data from impressions to conversion.

Choose the right plan for you



per month

  • Run paid campaigns
  • Campaign analytics
  • Up to 1 year of data storage
  • Custom conversion tracking
  • 2 gift campaigns monthly
  • Boost campaign posts (IG & FB)



per month

  • Run paid campaigns
  • Campaign analytics
  • Unlimited data storage
  • Custom conversion tracking
  • 2 gift campaigns monthly
  • Boost campaign posts (IG & FB)